Friday, February 27, 2015

Is this meat?

In experimenting with a vegan diet one of the highest hurdles can be entertaining your children and grandchildren. A while back I decided that I didn't have to prepare meat when my husband and I no longer eat it. I did still offer dairy however. But no more. I have been working at expanding my base of recipes and one of the expansions is to use frozen pressed tofu. It does have the mouth feel of meat which sometimes causes me to stop when I am out someplace and ask "Is this meat?" It tastes good to me in Thai foods, spaghetti sauce and other foods, but I figured getting it past my son and grandson would be a real test.
Luckily my daughter in law is a vegetarian so she is pretty happy with my cooking and my granddaughter is only three and just happy to visit. But my grandson is 10 and likes to eat the way his dad does. If his dad doesn't like it he won't eat it either. My son grew up on my cooking which was not vegan when he was a child, but because his wife is vegetarian and because they are both concerned about health he is pretty open to trying new things. 

I decided to invite them over to dinner and fix a vegetable soup with rice and to add the pressed tofu. Everything was ready when they arrived and I filled bowls and tried to act nonchalant. My grandson began to eat and then looked up at me quizzically. "Is this meat?" he asked.

Ah. Success. Both my grandson and son ate it up with enjoyment and my son even ate two bowls full.

Mouth feel. Interesting what a difference it makes.     

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